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How to get Spotify AI playlist ? Transform your thought into musical playlist.

How can I make AI Playlist on Spotify and Spotify has announced that its premium users can create AI generated playlist

Saturday, April 20, 2024

/ by Technica Blue

In the era of AI powered Apps or Software’s, Now music streaming apps like Spotify are becoming champion of using AI. Recently, Spotify has announced that its premium users can create AI generated playlist i.e they can turned any thought or feeling in to personalized playlist. It’s a new tool of spotify and still in beta form i.e means it will improve in generating playlist in coming year and at present available only for UK and Australia subscribers.

Spotify AI playlist
At the heart of Spotify’s AI generated playlist is deeper understanding of users preferences and taste of music sense. Spotify’s AI algorithm possibly analyse, from every song you listen, your preferences, every artist you explore and then make AI generated playlist as per your past musical habit with blend of various options.

    Subscriber to create Spotify AI playlist

    Initially, Subscribers of UK and Australia can create spotify AI playlist by simply typing unique prompts into chat like ‘music for travel’ or ‘making playlist of birthday party’ etc. As per user experiences, practising for making prompts will improve the skill of creating playlist more personalized. As per official information of spotify, you can use prompts that reference places, activities, animals, movie characters, colors, even emojis.

    Spotify AI playlist

    How can I make AI Playlist on Spotify?

    1. At first open your Spotify app and then select “Your Library” at the bottom-right corner of your screen.

    2. In the next step, tap the “+” button in library at the top-right corner and select “AI Playlist.”

    3. Then Choose one of the suggested prompts in text area or type your own mind. Be unique and specific. For example, you could text as “relaxing music after hectic work” or “tracks for travelling into the sunset.”

    4. Then wait for offer some tracks from Spotify AI. Spotify will give some tracks as per your prompts.

    5. Now, You can review AI tracks and also you can revise by telling for “more pop” or “less upbeat”).

    6. Finally Tap “Create,” and your new playlist will be saved automatically in Your Library.


    The world of music is flooded with various type of songs, finding your perfect playlist be like searching needle in haystack. But give big thanks to the power of AI, Spotify has solved the puzzle, delivering a personalized musical experience. So, the next time you want to play your favourite songs and lose yourself in nowhere, remember the Spotify’s AI that behind the scenes, a power of Artificial Intelligence (AI) is working tirelessly to bring your personalized soundtrack closer to your heart.

    Frequently Asked Questions(FAQs)

    1.Does Spotify have an AI playlist maker?
    Ans. Yes

    2.Can Spotify make a playlist based on artists?
    Ans. Yes. You can add your favourate artist playlist to your Spotify profile using the playlist feature.

    3.How do you create a playlist from multiple artists on Spotify?
    Ans. To create a playlist featuring multiple artists on Spotify, simply give the name of additional artists by selecting "Add another." Afterward, specify the number of tracks you wish to include in the playlist and click "Generate Playlist."

    5. Is Spotify AI playlist available all users?
    Ans. No. At the time of announcement, AI Playlist is only available to Spotify Premium users in the UK and Australia.

    6.Does Spotify AI playlist available for public?
    Ans. No.

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